(RADIATOR) duplicating accounting requests

Jesse Guardiani jesse at wingnet.net
Tue May 4 13:45:27 CDT 2004

Howdy list,

Please forgive me if this question shows me lack of understanding
regarding the RADIUS protocol. If that is the case, then if someone
could point me to a good website that explains the protocol I would
appreciate it. RADIUS is still a bit of black magic to me, unfortunately.

We have just installed a new billing server. This server includes its
own RADIUS daemon (merit) and requires that accounting packets
be sent to this RADIUS daemon in order for hourly dialup accounts
to be properly billed.

However, currently, all of our accounting packets are being sent to
Radiator server. Would it be possible to have Radiator forward those
accounting packets to this new merit daemon (on a different machine)
but still log the packets?

Basically, we bought Radiator a long time ago, and we'd like to keep
using it as our main RADIUS server, but we need accounting packets
to be sent to the billing machine...

Currently we've configured our terminal server to send packets to
BOTH daemons. This is working, but it isn't a good long term solution.

Any ideas?


Jesse Guardiani, Systems Administrator
WingNET Internet Services,
P.O. Box 2605 // Cleveland, TN 37320-2605
423-559-LINK (v)  423-559-5145 (f)

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