(RADIATOR) Disconnect and Change-of-Authorization Messages

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Mar 30 01:36:47 CST 2004

Hello Jose -

If you are using radius, then it is probably easiest to just use the 
radius Disconnect-Request (assuming that your NAS supports it).

You should check with your NAS vendor.

Otherwise I am not convinced that using Radiator is the correct 



On 29 Mar 2004, at 22:23, José Borges Ferreira wrote:

> I want to provide to roamers  partners a disconnect facillity. The use 
> of Radius is obvious , since we allready have secure and authorized 
> traffic exchange established.
> I would like to develop ( actually extend ) a custom AuthBy Module to 
> allow the partner to disconnect "their" user. The module should also 
> understand the NAS type of the user and use the correct method for 
> that NAS ( SNMP, HTTP or RADIUS).
> My doubts are :
>    This should be treated the same way as Authentication requests or 
> Accounting requests.
>    If  so , should i be process them on handle_request or any other 
> method.
> <j/>
> Hugh Irvine wrote:
>> Hello Jose -
>> I am not sure I understand exactly what you are wanting to do - could 
>> you give me a bit more detail please?
>> regards
>> Hugh
>> On 27 Mar 2004, at 01:52, José Borges Ferreira wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I would like to implement a Disconnect and Change-of-Authorization 
>>> facility to my "custom NAS" ( rfc3576 ) and was thinking of using 
>>> Radiator as RADIUS frontend.
>>> Any thoughts on that ?
> --
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together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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