(RADIATOR) radiator performance benchmarks?

Tariq Rashid tariq.rashid at uk.easynet.net
Mon Mar 22 09:37:13 CST 2004

I know that Radiator is written in perl and it is single-threaded. Despite
this, we have no problem running it in a pretty large scale deployment. 

However, we would like to be able to compare its performance with other
radius servers (in particular freeradius) - simply for capacity planning.
When will we expect to add a new server to the load-balanced cluster? At
what requests/sec can we expect it to fail? What affect does accountign have
on the server?

And even a set of benchmarks quantifying performance over a varying
underlying operating system. Perhaps linux 2.4/6, freebsd 4/5, different
perl varsions, different kernel parameters (eg preallocated mbufs?)

I'd also like to raise a quite odd statement in the O-Reilly Radius book by
Hassell, published only at the end of last year which suggests at the end of
his book that Radiator is only for small setups. Surely not? He doesn't say


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