(RADIATOR) Radiator Version 3.9 released

Nick Rogness nick at rogness.net
Wed Mar 17 19:06:43 CST 2004

Does this version support have the ability to do replacement of 
SessionDatabase or DBSource by attributes?  For example:

	<Handler ....>

  	  SessionDatabase %{Some-attr-I-added-in-PreHandlerHook}

          <AuthBy SQL>
          DBSource dbi:mysql:{Another-attr-I-added-in-PreHandlerHook}


It would be nice to have this feature.  Any comments or ways to do this 
yet without building a custom AuthBy module?

Nick Rogness <nick at rogness.net>
  How many people here have telekenetic powers? Raise my hand.
  				-Emo Philips

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