(RADIATOR) Accounting in sql and local file authentication

Frank Danielson fdanielson at csky.com
Thu Mar 11 12:40:23 CST 2004


You have a hanlder inside of a realm. This won't work. You should not
normally use realms and handlers inside of the same config. Try something
like this example. There is a good discussion of the bahviour of handlers in
section 6.16 of my Radiator manual.

<AuthBy SQL>
	 Identifier Remote-SQL
	 DBSource dbi:Oracle:dbname
	 DBUsername username
	 DBAuth pword
	 # Disable authentication

	 # But do accounting
	 AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
	 AcctColumnDef	USERNAME,User-Name
	 AcctColumnDef	TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer

<AuthBy FILE>
	 Identifier Local-File
	 Filename %D/users
	 # Generate MPPE keys to encrypt pptp vpns
	 AutoMPPEKeys Yes

<Handler Realm=blahblah.com>
         RewriteUsername tr/A-Za-z0-9_.+&-@//cd

         AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
         AuthBy Remote-SQL
         AuthBy Local-File
         # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
	 AcctLogFileName %L/detail


         <AuthBy FILE>
                 AutoMPPEKeys yes
                 Filename %D/static/users

         AcctLogFileName %L/detail

-----Original Message-----
From: Luis Marquez [mailto:luism at digitalpath.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:39 PM
To: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: (RADIATOR) Accounting in sql and local file authentication

Hello everyone,

I am trying to get radiator to authenticate users from a local users
file and send accounting data to our Oracle 9i database. This config is
currently on a non production test system. I have two authby clauses,
one <AuthBy FILE> and one <AuthBySQL>. I have a handler set up that I
think is supposed to send accounting data to the database while still
authenticating against the local file. I can connect to the database,
but I can't authenticate from the local file.

Seems like radiator does not continue on to the AuthBy FILE clause. From
what I read in another post, the AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways inside the
handler is supposed to do this?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Here are the relevant parts of my config:

#Default Realm
         <AuthBy FILE>
                 AutoMPPEKeys yes
                 Filename %D/static/users

         AcctLogFileName %L/detail

<Realm blahblah.com>
         RewriteUsername tr/A-Za-z0-9_.+&-@//cd

         <AuthBy SQL>
                 Identifier Remote-SQL
                 DBSource dbi:Oracle:dbname
                 DBUsername username
                 DBAuth pword
                 # Disable authentication

                 # But do accounting
                 AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
                 AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name

         <AuthBy FILE>
                 Identifier Local-File
                 Filename %D/users
                 # Generate MPPE keys to encrypt pptp vpns
                 AutoMPPEKeys Yes

         <Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
                 AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
                 AuthBy Remote-SQL
                 AuthBy Local-File

# Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
         AcctLogFileName %L/detail


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