(RADIATOR) Re: radiusclient-0.3.2

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Mar 8 18:22:17 CST 2004

Hello Bon -

What does ethereal show on the radlogin host?

I suspect you may be sending to a different port number and/or IP 
address than the one Radiator is listening on.

Does radlogin have a debug mode?



On 9 Mar 2004, at 10:21, Bon sy wrote:

> Hi,
> 	I wonder anyone in the list or Hugh/Mike has tried using
> radiusclient-0.3.2 to talk to Radiator.
> 	I have made all the appropriate changes necessary (such as the
> server file for shared secret, radiusclient.conf, login.radius). The
> installation process went through without any complain.
> 	But when I use the radlogin (part of the radiusclient-0.3.2), it
> does not seem to have any request getting to radiator from
> radiusclient. Ethreal log did not show packets sending over to the
> radiator too. This suggests the problem is on the radiusclient side. 
> But I
> could not tell what's wrong. Below is the response from the radlogin
> utility:
> [bonnet28 /]# radlogin
> ($Id: radlogin.c,v 1.3 1997/12/29 23:07:25 lf Exp $)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Linux 2.4.20-8 (bonnet28) (port 0)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> login: test
> Password:
> RADIUS: /dev/pts/0local: Authentication failure
> 	Please advise if anyone has any insight into this problem. Thanks
> in advance!
> Bon

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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