(RADIATOR) Store duration of the calls using OpenH323 gk, RADIATOR and MySQL

Tommy Mazejian - DC Soft tommy at dcsoftintl.com
Mon Jun 21 08:47:30 CDT 2004

Hi Lopez,


To answer your question:


-          Use the Acct-Session-Time (in seconds) in the Accounting Stop
packet. No need to do any calculation

-          Write a pre hook to read the 2 attributes h323-connect-time and
h323-disconnect-time, parse the date format using Perl, calculate the
difference and add as a pseudo Radius attribute, such as Total-Duration.
This attribute will later be inserted as part of the accounting logs.


For my experience with VoIP, the value of Acct-Session-Time and the
difference of the connect and disconnect is always the same.


Let me know if you need further clarifications.








From: owner-radiator at open.com.au [mailto:owner-radiator at open.com.au] On
Behalf Of Lopez, A.
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 12:22 PM
To: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: (RADIATOR) Store duration of the calls using OpenH323 gk, RADIATOR
and MySQL


Hello all,

I am using Radiator and MySQL to store accouting information of the calls
registered through the OpenH323 Gatekeeper.

In order to compute the duration of a call I see the following attributes:

- cisco-h323-connect-time = "h323-connect-time = hh:mm:ss.mmm ZON DDD MMM ##

- cisco-h323-disconnect-time = "h323-disconnect-time = hh:mm:ss.mmm ZON DDD

Since those attributes have a 'strange' format I would like to know if there
is an easy way to manipulate them so that the total duration of the call can
be automatically computed and stored in MySQL, while the date and time of
the connect and disconnect events are stored separately.

Can anybody point me in the right direction to achieve this goal?

Thanks very much in advance.




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