(RADIATOR) SOAP XML authentication

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sun Jun 13 10:27:38 CDT 2004

Hello Alexis -

Yes you can use the AuthBy SOAP to query an external SOAP server.

See section 6.50 in the Radiator 3.9 reference manual ("doc/ref.html").

See also the code in "Radius/AuthSOAP.pm".

You can of course also use the code in "Radius/AuthSOAP.pm" as a 
template to develop your own AuthBy module if required.



On 13 Jun 2004, at 16:18, Alexis de Goriainoff wrote:

> Hello,
> I am looking for a piece of advice.
> We currently use a freeradius, that has been modified by our 
> developpers in order to do SOAP authentication.
> The SOAP server runs on a Windows 2003 server and uses a MSSQL 
> database.
> We use SOAP because it makes the radius completely independent from 
> the structure of the database.
> The IT people can modify the tables or the structure without advising 
> the network people as far as the result sent by the soap server 
> remains the sames.
> It also allows to execute several SQL queries, and call other external 
> programs, and webservices for each radius request.
> We would like to use radiator instead of freeradius, because it does 
> not require much internal propriatary development.
> I have read the documentation of the AuthBy SOAP method but it seems 
> to be mainly designed to tunnel proxy authentication between two 
> radiators.
> Is it possible or suitable to use radiator to query an external SOAP 
> server  ?
> We do not want to do any development on the SOAP server side. Is it 
> possible to have radiator understand our own XML templates ?
> Thanks for your advice
> -- 
> Alexis de Goriainoff
> Altevia
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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