(RADIATOR) PostSearchHook() error due to strict refs?

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jul 7 18:11:40 CDT 2004

Hello Tariq -

Unfortunately you cannot do what you are trying to do because of timing 
issues when the configuration file is parsed. In other words, the 
file:"...." parameter is expanded _before_ -db_dir is evaluated, so 
this will not work.



On 7 Jul 2004, at 18:49, Tariq Rashid wrote:

> thanks - but i think it is in the correct syntax .. the folliowuing is 
> a cut
> and paste from the config file... (just in case i mistyped it )... and 
> it is
> in the correct format.
> if i replace the %D with the full path then all is well. the %D works 
> fine
> normally, but as i say, i've been settin gup a test server which uses
> command line overrides to such variables as -db_dir (hence %D)...
> here's a cut'n'paste....
> <AuthBy LDAP2>
>         # The main LDAP lookup!
>         Identifier privateip-ldap-dial
>         Host ??????????????
>         Port 389
>         AuthDN cn=???????????????????????
>         Timeout 25
>         FailureBackoffTime 2
>         AuthPassword ???????????
>         BaseDN o=??????????
>         UsernameAttr uid
>         PasswordAttr userPassword
>         AuthAttrDef ipAddr,Framed-Address,request
>         AuthAttrDef ipNetmask,Framed-Netmask,request
>         AuthAttrDef ipRoutes,Framed-Route,reply
>         AuthAttrDef dialAttr,GENERIC,request
>         AuthAttrDef dialUserCLI,GENERIC,request
>         AuthAttrDef services,GENERIC,request
>         AuthAttrDef filterdefinition,X-filterdefinition,request
>         SearchFilter ?????????????????????????
>         # After the LDAP search, run this perl script
>         # This script is where CLI checks get done
>         PostSearchHook file:"%D/post-search-hook-mia.pl"
> </AuthBy>
> searching through the list archives i only found one query which isn't
> similar enough to ths to be of help.
> thanks
> -----Original Message-----
> Hello Tariq -
> The correct syntax is as follows:
> 	PostSearchHook file:"%D/post-search-hook-mia.pl"
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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