(RADIATOR) Radiator and Dual Processor Server

Matthew Trout matthewtrout at businessserve.co.uk
Tue Feb 24 06:16:20 CST 2004

On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 07:34:18PM +0800, GT FABRO, Rommel C. wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried running the auth and acct on separate process and it works (thanks guys :], but I have one more quick maybe silly question how to I check if it does make use of the dual processors?
> thanks,
> mel

If you're running two different processes, then if they both request CPU time at the same
time your OS should schedule them to different processors.

Checking specifically is IIRC usually OS-specific - check the docs for your operating
system for assistance.

Matt S Trout
Network Programmer
Business Serve plc
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