(RADIATOR) Radiator and MySQL questions

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Feb 18 01:53:24 CST 2004

Hello Vinny -

Yes you can configure Radiator with Realms.

# define Realm clauses

<Realm foo.bar>

<Realm some.realm>


If you want to deny access you simply return an Access-Reject. You can 
easily add a field called STATUS (or whatever) and set it to Active, 
Inactive, Disabled, or whatever and check it when you process the 
Access-Request in your SQL clause.

	AuthSelect select PASSWORD from SUBSCRIBERS \
		where USERNAME = %0 \
		and STATUS = 'Active'



On 18 Feb 2004, at 04:35, Vincent Jordan wrote:

> Greetings all,
> I understand that one could have client auth data pulled from a mysql 
> database. Is it possible ot do the same with realm data? so if 
> user at realm.com sends an auth request radiator will pull realm 
> information such as attributes, what db to lookup for user info, where 
> to log data??
> another issue im having is: my dial side is outsourced. they pass 
> radius information to me and my radius server returns info. they are 
> usinf free radius. they have several NAS devices such as cisco, 
> livingston, and USR. is there a attrib or something i can send if i 
> wanted to deny a user access. I currently append the password which at 
> times can be a pain. I would live to try to add a row in the database 
> like ( issuspend tinyint(1) default'0' ) if the value was set to 1 
> radiator would not allow the user to connect and return a 619...
> any help would be greatly appriciated....
> thanks,
> -Vinny
> ===
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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