(RADIATOR) redback attributes ?

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Feb 10 16:07:37 CST 2004

Hello Kurt -

All of these values are defined in the latest Radiator 3.8 dictionary.

(the file called "dictionary" in the main distribution directory)



On 10 Feb 2004, at 23:48, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

> Hi!
> The following VSAs are not in the current dictionary.redback ?
> VENDORATTR   2352	Acct-Reason			144 integer
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-Session-Up		 1
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-Session-Down		 2
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-Periodic			 3
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-Dyn-Ac-Ent-Start		 4
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-Dyn-Ac-Ent-Stop		 5
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-Dyn-Ac-Ent-Timeout	 6
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-Subscriber-Reauthor	 7
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-PPP-IPCP-Up		 8
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-PPP-MP-Link-Up		 9
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-DHCP-IP-Addr-Granted	10
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-DHCP-IP-Addr-Released	11
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-ACL-Timered-Action	12
> VALUE		Acct-Reason	AAA-Load-Acct-ACL-Action		13
> I see at least values 1 and 2.
> -- 
> MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger                                  16 
> years to go !
> LF.net GmbH        fon +49 711 90074-23  pi at LF.net
> Ruppmannstr. 27    fax +49 711 90074-33
> D-70565 Stuttgart  mob +49 171 3101372
> ===
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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