(RADIATOR) PreHandlerHook and TTLS

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sat Aug 28 03:34:23 CDT 2004

Hello Roy -

You can either do what you are doing currently, or you could possibly 
use an AuthBy INTERNAL with one of the hooks available there.

See section 6.46 in the Radiator 3.9 reference manual ("doc/ref.html").



On 28 Aug 2004, at 04:13, Roy Badami wrote:

> Is there any way to get a PreHandlerHook (or something similar) to be
> called prior to the handler for the tunneled (inner) TTLS
> authentication being selected?
> I want to use a hook to add some custom attributes based on the user,
> which I can then use to select the handler. (ie different users need
> to be authenticated by different back-end RADIUS servers) but
> PreHandlerHook only gets called for the outer authentication.
> Currently I have to do the work in AuthHook, and have everything in a
> single handler, but it's a bit messy...
>        -roy
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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