(RADIATOR) Needs expet's opinion

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Aug 9 06:00:20 CDT 2004

Hello MJ -

For both of these applications you will need to run a cron job that 
checks the user accounts, disables the account (sets STATUS to 0 or 
whatever) and then disconnects the user using whatever method your NAS 
equipment supports.

You should do some experiments and some downloads to check what values 
you get back in the accounting requests.

Set up a test call and do a 1 megabyte download then disconnect - and 
then check the values sent by the NAS in the accounting stop.

BTW - you will probably need to enable interim accounting on your NAS 
equipment (also called accounting alives).



On 9 Aug 2004, at 20:48, MJ wrote:

> Hi Hugh,
> Thanks, it is working fine. I have two more question, sorry for lots of
> questions
> 1- we are planning to use Radiator mostly for ADSL customers who 
> usually
> keep connected for weeks without disconnection, now users who has 
> monthly
> subscription will keep connected even after their expiry dates until 
> they
> disconnect and then radiator will not allow them to re-connect. How we 
> can
> disconnect such users at the moment they reaches to their expiry dates?
> 2- we want to bill our ADSL customers based on their downloads, I have 
> gone
> through the a discussions on mailing archive and RFCs you copied in 
> reply,
> but still didn't get exact answer, my understanding is that 
> is the "bytes downloaded by user" and ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS is the "bytes
> uploaded by user". Please confirm. Here also we need to disconnect the 
> user
> once he reaches to his download limit.

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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