(RADIATOR) does radiator throttle incoming requests

Ingvar Bjarnason ingvarbj at centrum.is
Fri Apr 16 07:33:26 CDT 2004

Hi Tariq,

    When the rate of incoming requests exceeds the amount that radiator can
handle the underlying OS udp queue fills upp and the excess udp packets are
dropped.    You can observe this by monitoring   netstat -an -udp when
radiator is gradually loaded and see how the udp queue fills upp.

    Best regards,

Ingvar Bjarnason
Iceland Telecom

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tariq Rashid" <tariq.rashid at uk.easynet.net>
To: <radiator at open.com.au>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 9:44 AM
Subject: (RADIATOR) does radiator throttle incoming requests

> how does radiator behave with a large rate of incoming requests? or is it
left to the underlying UDP queue? or does radiator have a separate queue
taking requests from the OS UDP queue?
> t
> --
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