(RADIATOR) change realm based on the dial-in box

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Apr 7 17:41:55 CDT 2004

Hello Bogdan -

I generally find it easier to use Handlers for this sort of thing.

# define Client clauses

<Client x.x.x.x>
	Identifier Dialin-1

<Client y.y.y.y>
	Identifier Dialin-2


# define Handlers

<Handler Client-Identifier = Dialin-1>
	<AuthBy SQL>

<Handler Client-Identifier = Dialin-2>
	<AuthBy SQL>



On 7 Apr 2004, at 19:30, Bogdan TARU wrote:

> 	Hi guys,
>  I have a scenario in which two cisco dialin boxes are accepting
>  dialins and should authentificate against a single radiator, but the
>  dialin infos should go to two different accounting mysql tables,
>  depending on the dialin box.
>  I think this could be solved by running two radiators, but I'm
>  curious if there is any other way as well... for example, to modifiy
>  the realm of the dialin based on the dialin box, for example if the
>  realm was @1 and the dialin box was the first cisco, modify the realm
>  to @1-cisco1, and then create different <realm> statements. But don't
>  know exactly how can I decide from which dialin box I get the
>  authentification request, and how to 'add' the realm to the existing
>  realm...
>  Could anyone help me?
>  Thanks,
>  bogdan
> --
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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