(RADIATOR) change realm based on the dial-in box

Bogdan TARU bgd at icomag.de
Wed Apr 7 04:30:31 CDT 2004

	Hi guys,

 I have a scenario in which two cisco dialin boxes are accepting
 dialins and should authentificate against a single radiator, but the
 dialin infos should go to two different accounting mysql tables,
 depending on the dialin box.

 I think this could be solved by running two radiators, but I'm
 curious if there is any other way as well... for example, to modifiy
 the realm of the dialin based on the dialin box, for example if the
 realm was @1 and the dialin box was the first cisco, modify the realm
 to @1-cisco1, and then create different <realm> statements. But don't
 know exactly how can I decide from which dialin box I get the
 authentification request, and how to 'add' the realm to the existing

 Could anyone help me?


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