(RADIATOR) Discard queries based on attribute values

Robert Blayzor noc at inoc.net
Tue Sep 16 07:09:08 CDT 2003

I'm having a problem on our RADIUS cluster with PPPoE clients being way to
aggressive.  Sometimes when a user is shut off, the PVC in the DSL network
isn't turned down for some time and it leaves aggressive PPPoE clients
trying to connect at a sometimes ungodly rate. (dozens per minute).  This
litters our logs and creates a lot of unnecessary IO's to the backend, etc.

I'm wondering what the best practice is to be able to discard these requests
before they even go to any handler, and to dump the packet/request
completely without even logging it.  Well not discard these, but send back
an instant NAK to the NAS...

I assume some PreHandlerHook (or PreClientHook) would be needed, but is
there an example how to?  ie:  Say I have a list of usernames in a file that
I want to discard on..

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at inoc.net
PGP: http://www.inoc.net/~dev/
Key fingerprint = A445 7D1E 3D4F A4EF 6875  21BB 1BAA 10FE 5748 CFE9

Stock item: We shipped it once before, and we can do it again, probably.

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