(RADIATOR) Caps in username.

Wesley Hof wesleyh at staf.planetinternet.be
Fri Oct 24 03:08:29 CDT 2003

My config:

Trace 4

AuthPort 1812

LogDir          /var/log/radiator/
LogFile         %L/radiator-authentication-%y-%m-%d.log
DbDir           /EUnet/radiator/etc
DictionaryFile  %D/dictionary
PidFile         %L/radiator-authentication.pid

   Port 9001
   Username administrator

<Client DEFAULT>
        DupInterval 0


        PasswordLogFileName %L/password.log
    <AuthBy SQL>

        DBSource        dbi:mysql:mail;localhost
        AuthSelect      select password from user where login = '%n' and active = 'Y'


I'm using this config to auth qpopper to. The problem is that radiator accepts usernames with caps in, like user blah = Blah = BLah = BLAH.

Now, radiator should deny usernames with caps in, I took a look at the RewriteUsername directive, but that is not what I need, i just don't wanna allow caps. Is there a way to deny them?

Thanks in advance,

(o_  Wesley Hof
//\  UNIX System Engineer
V_/_ UNInet ))) A Scarlet Company
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