(RADIATOR) AuthBy accept all authentication

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Oct 16 15:22:40 CDT 2003

Hello Steve -

The usual way to do this is with an AuthBy GROUP:

	AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways

	<AuthBy SQL>
		# disable authentication
		# deal with accounting
		AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
		AcctColumnDef .....

	# use an AuthBy GROUP for authentication
	# with a different AuthByPolicy

	<AuthBy GROUP>
		AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
		<AuthBy ...>
		<AuthBy ...>

You can also use different Handlers for authentication and accounting:

# deal with accounting

<Handler Request-Type = Accounting>

# deal with authentication




On Friday, Oct 17, 2003, at 03:06 Australia/Melbourne, Steven Saner  

> Hi:
> Is there a easy trick to making an <AuthBy>, specifically an <AuthBy
> SQL>, clause always return an authentication accept? I can't seem to
> find a built in configuration parameter to do this. I need something
> sort of like "IgnoreAuthentication", but accept instead of ignore.
> I want to create an <AuthBy SQL> that only does stuff for accounting
> requests, but I can't use "IgnoreAuthentication" because I need to
> have the AuthByPolicy in the handlers set to "ContinueWhileAccept".
> I am using Radiator 3.6.
> Thanks for any advice.
> Steve
> --  
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---
> Steven Saner <ssaner at pantheranet.com>
> ===
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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