(RADIATOR) Connection problem of large value pack a/c with AS5300

G. S. Rakhra gsrakhra at fewanet.com.np
Wed Nov 26 05:29:01 CST 2003

Dear All,

I am using Radiator-2.18.4. And using Portmaster, Cisco2511 and Cisco AS5300 for dialup users.We are having strange problem with AS5300 RAS. Few users are not able to connect thru AS5300 RAS. After spending so much time in troubleshooting I have reached on this conclusion. If the remaining hours in the account are more than 596 Hours then they can not connect thru the AS5300 RAS. When trying to connect through AS5300, it continues to ask for the password. If we try connecting with black terminal dialup screen then till username and password it is okay. After specifying the password, it shows the Framed IP address also but when we press the continue button it disconnects and shows following error:
Dial-Up Networking could not complete the connection to the server.
Check your configuration and try the connection again.
But these large value pack a/cs connect with our analog hunting number without any problem. 

I am attaching Trace 4 debug of the radius log file and debug file of AS5300 RAS. The tested account Username is 531548 at fewanet.com.np.

Thanks in Advance 
G. S. Rakhra
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