(RADIATOR) MSSQL connection failure

Alan Murrell alan at zoolink.net
Mon Nov 3 10:39:56 CST 2003


We use Platypus for our billing and dialup authentication.  Over the weekend, we had a failure of Radiator (version 2.18.2 running on a Linux server) connecting to the Platypus database.  The erros recorded in the log are:

Sun Nov  2 07:05:36 2003: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with DBI->connect dbi:ODBC:dbserver, dbuser, dbpass:  Could not find Database parameter (SQL-08001)(DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1)

Note: in the above, 'dbserver', 'dbuser', and 'dbpass' are stand-ins for the actual values for the purposes of this posting, but rest assured, the true values are correct.

I ran a script I have, 'restartradius', which kills the radiusd process and restarts it (via inetd), and runs 'radpwtest' to test logins.  This worked, and brought RADIUS back to life.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to the cause of this error?


Alan Murrell <alan at zoolink.net>
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