(RADIATOR) Radiator hangs with slow SQL server

Ben Browning benb at theriver.com
Tue May 20 16:35:42 CDT 2003

At 01:15 PM 5/20/2003, Ben Browning wrote:
>I know the longterm solution is "Get a faster SQL server", but in the 
>short term what can be done to alleviate this problem?

Well, isn't that always the way. I found a possible solution (timeouts and 
failurebackofftimes) which may have fixed the problem.

If there's another solution, though, I'd like to have it on standby if this 
does not work.

    Ben Browning <benb at theriver.com>
       The River Internet Access Co.
          WA Operations Manager
1-877-88-RIVER  http://www.theriver.com

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