(RADIATOR) AuthBy External cascading accounting requests

Joshua Masiko joshua at dsmagic.com
Thu Mar 27 04:01:11 CST 2003

According to the radiator documentation
The exit status of the external command determines what type of reply is to be sent in response to the request:

  a.. 0 Means reply with an acceptance. For Access-Requests, an Access-Accept will be sent. For Accounting-Requests, an Accounting-Response will be sent.
  b.. 1 Means reply with a rejection. For Access-Requests, an Access-Reject is sent. For Accounting-Requests, no response is sent. 
  c.. 2 Means don't send any reply. This will also make the Realm fall through to the next AuthBy module if you specified more than one for this Realm (but see also AuthByPolicy).

I have two programs . My understanding is that prog1 is called for all requests. In prog1 if a certain condition is met it returns a value of 2 otherwise it returns a value of zero My problem is that even when it returns 0 prog2 is still run.

My config file looks like this

        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileIgnore
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename %D/users
        # Log accounting to a detail file
        <AuthBy EXTERNAL>
                Command /home/joshua/work/newapp/prog1
       <AuthBy EXTERNAL>
               Command /home/joshua/work/newapp/prog2
        AcctLogFileName %L/detail

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