(RADIATOR) AD/LDAP and PEAP question

Denis Pavani d.pavani at cineca.it
Fri Jun 13 10:54:21 CDT 2003

I suggest you to use EAP-TTLS with alfa-ariss freeware client.
You can use PAP inner authentication this way against encrypted LDAP 

Joao Martins wrote:

>	Hi!
>	I believe that is not possible use LDAP and PEAP authentication
>together, if LDAP passwords are encrypted (NT hash, as Mike McCauley
>explained to me). So, I'm asking if this is possible with Radiator:
>	* I have an Active Directory / LDAP based on Microsoft Windows 2000
>	* I have Radiator running on Linux RedHat box.
>	* I want to authenticate my wireless users with PEAP, using user
>access information on  Windows 2000 AD/LDAP.
>	Has anyone implemented a scenario like this?
>	Any suggestions???
>	Thanks.
> Cheers,
>João Martins
>Centro de Informática e Comunicações       Email: jmartins at cic.ua.pt
>      Universidade de Aveiro               Phone: +351 234 370099
>         3810-193 Aveiro                   Ext:   22299
>            Portugal                       Web:   http://www.cic.ua.pt/
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Denis Pavani

CINECA    -    Comunicazioni e Sistemi Distribuiti
NOC - Network Operations Center

phone:+39 0516171953 / fax:+39 0516132198
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