(RADIATOR) buildsql trouble

Matteo Jurman matteoj at libero.it
Wed Jul 23 05:29:55 CDT 2003

I know, I know, this problem was still proposed... I'm a newbe
I'm tryin' to use mysql, but when I launch the buildsql script (inside
Radiator package), it exits...
I have followed all the steps:

1) install (via PPM) all DBI packages (latest version is 1.37)
2) install mysql package
3) starting mysql server;

then I launch the script

C:\Programmi\Perl\bin>perl buildsql.pl -dbsource
dbi:mysql:radius -dbusername radius -dbauth radius
Can't locate object method "connect" via package "DBI" (perhaps you forgot
to load "DBI"?) at buildsql.pl line 85.

and this is the script:

# buildsql
# Build and SQL database from a password or flat file database
# Works with any SQL database supported by DBD/DBI.
# Author: Mike McCauley (mikem at open.com.au)
# Copyright (C) 1997 Open System Consultants
# $Id: buildsql,v 1.8 2002/05/23 02:02:44 mikem Exp $

# Make sure we get the local libs for preference
use DBI;

    unshift(@INC, '.');

require "newgetopt.pl";
use DBI;
use Radius::User;

# This will cause perl to choose the 'best' DBM format available to
# you. You can force it to use another format with something like
# -t GDBM_File;
$dbtype = 'AnyDBM_File';
$dbtype = $opt_t if defined $opt_t;
require "$dbtype.pm";

my @options = (
        'h',    # help, show usage
        'password', # Input files are unix password format
        'flat',     # Input files are flat Radius users file
        "z",        # Zero (ie empty) the database
        "u",        # Update the DB
        "f",        # Force DB update for non defined fields
        "d=s",    # Delete the record with key
        "l=s",    # Lookup the record with the key
        "v",        # Print out the queries being issued
        "t=s",   # Force a database type, DB_File, GDBM_File etc


&NGetOpt(@options) || &usage;
&usage if $opt_h;

$DBSource                  = undef;
$DBUsername                = '';
$DBAuth                    = '';
# The following varaibles specify the structure of the user table
# Alter them if you need to
$DBTablename               = 'SUBSCRIBERS';
$DBUsernameColumn          = 'USERNAME';
$DBPasswordColumn          = 'PASSWORD';
$DBCheckAttrColumn         = 'CHECKATTR';
$DBReplyAttrColumn         = 'REPLYATTR';

# Use command line args if present
$DBSource = $opt_dbsource if defined $opt_dbsource;
$DBUsername = $opt_dbusername if defined $opt_dbusername;
$DBAuth = $opt_dbauth if defined $opt_dbauth;
$DBTablename = $opt_tablename if defined $opt_tablename;
$DBUsernameColumn = $opt_username_column
    if defined $opt_username_column;
$DBCheckAttrColumn = $opt_checkattr_column
    if defined $opt_checkattr_column;
$DBReplyAttrColumn = $opt_replyattr_column
    if defined $opt_replyattr_column;
$DBPasswordColumn = $opt_password_column
    if defined $opt_password_column;

    if !defined $DBSource;

# Open the database
$dbh = DBI->connect($DBSource,
die "Could not DBI->connect to $DBSource: $DBI::errstr"
    if !$dbh;

if ($opt_z)
    my $q = "delete from $DBTablename";
    print "$q\n" if $opt_v;
 || print STDERR "Clearing of database failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
#    $dbh->commit
# || print STDERR "Commit failed: $DBI::errstr\n";

if ($opt_l)
    # Print out info about a single user
    my $q = "select $DBPasswordColumn,
$DBCheckAttrColumn, $DBReplyAttrColumn from $DBTablename
where $DBUsernameColumn = '$opt_l'";
    print "$q\n" if $opt_v;
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
    if (!$sth)
 print STDERR "Prepare failed for '$q': $DBI::errstr";
 exit 1;
 my $rc = $sth->execute;
 if (!$rc)
     print STDERR "Execute failed for '$q': $DBI::errstr";
     if (($password, $checkattr, $replyattr)
  = $sth->fetchrow)
  if ($opt_encryptedpassword)
      print "$opt_l\tEncrypted-Password=$password";
      print "$opt_l\Password=$password";
  print ", $checkattr" if $checkattr;
  print "\n";
  print "\t$replyattr\n" if $replyattr;
  print "\n";
  print STDERR "User $opt_l not found\n";
elsif ($opt_d)
    # Delete a single user
    my $q = "delete from $DBTablename where $DBUsernameColumn='$opt_d'";
    print "$q\n" if $opt_v;
 || print STDERR "Delete user $opt_d failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
#    $dbh->commit
# || print STDERR "Commit of delete user $opt_d failed: $DBI::errstr\n";

    # No special options, insert or update
    # Now process each file found on the command line
    foreach $file (@ARGV)
 if ($opt_password)
     # Its a unix password file
 elsif ($opt_dbm)
     # Default is a flat file

sub insertUser
    my ($username, $password, $check_items, $reply_items) = @_;

    my ($extracols, $extravals, $extraclauses);
    if (defined $check_items)
 $extracols .= ",$DBCheckAttrColumn";
 $extravals .= ", '$check_items'";
 $extraclauses .= ", $DBCheckAttrColumn = '$check_items'";
    elsif ($opt_f)
 $extracols .= ",$DBCheckAttrColumn";
 $extravals .= ", ''";
 $extraclauses .= ", $DBCheckAttrColumn = NULL";
    if (defined $reply_items)
 $extracols .= ",$DBReplyAttrColumn";
 $extravals .= ", '$reply_items'";
 $extraclauses .= ", $DBReplyAttrColumn = '$reply_items'";
    elsif ($opt_f)
 $extracols .= ",$DBReplyAttrColumn";
 $extravals .= ", ''";
 $extraclauses .= ", $DBReplyAttrColumn = 'NULL'";

    my $q = "insert into $DBTablename
$DBPasswordColumn $extracols)
('$username', '$password' $extravals)";

    print "$q\n" if $opt_v;

    if (!$dbh->do($q))
 if ($opt_u)
     # The insert failed, try an update
     $q = "update $DBTablename set
$DBPasswordColumn = '$password' $extraclauses
where $DBUsernameColumn = '$username'";
     print "$q\n" if $opt_v;
  || print STDERR "Update user $username failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
     print STDERR "Insert user $username failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
#    $dbh->commit
# || print STDERR "Commit failed: $DBI::errstr\n";

sub do_unix_password
    my ($file) = @_;
    open(FILE, $file)
 || die "Could not open password file '$file': $!";
    while (<FILE>)
 my ($user, $password) = split(/:/);
 &insertUser($user, $password);

sub do_dbm_file
    my ($filename) = @_;

    my %users;
    tie (%users, $dbtype, $filename, O_RDONLY, 0)
 || die "Could not open DBM user database file '$filename': $!";

    # Iterate through the entire set of users, order unimportant
    my ($name, $value);
    while (($name, $value) = each %users)
 my $user = new Radius::User $name;
 foreach (split(/\n/, $value))
 &insertUserObject($name, $user);
    untie %users;

sub do_flat_file
    my ($file) = @_;
    open(FILE, $file)
 || die "Could not open users file '$file': $!";
    my ($user, $username);
    while (<FILE>)

 # Skip comment lines and blank lines
 next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/;

 if (/^(\S+)\s*(.*)/)
     # Start of a new record, create a $user. The user name
     # is the first field
     &insertUserObject($username, $user)
  if defined $user;

     my $rest;
     ($username, $rest) = ($1, $2);

     # Make a unique name for each 'DEFAULT' entry
     # The first one is just DEFAULT, the following ones
     # are DEFAULT1, DEFAULT2 etc.
     if ($username eq 'DEFAULT')
  $username = "DEFAULT$default_number";
     $user = new Radius::User $username;

     $user && $user->parse($_);
    # Insert the last one
    &insertUserObject($username, $user)
 if defined $user;

sub insertUserObject
    my ($username, $user) = @_;

    my ($password, $check, $reply, $attrname, $attrvalue);
    # Iterate through the check items, assembling a check attribute
    # string
    my $i = 0;
    while (($attrname, $attrvalue) =
 if ($attrname eq 'Password'
     || $attrname eq 'User-Password'
     || ($opt_encryptedpassword
  && ($attrname eq 'Encrypted-Password'
      || $attrname eq 'Crypt-Password')))
     $password = $attrvalue;
     $attrvalue =~ s/"/\\"/g;
     $check .= "$attrname = \"$attrvalue\",";
    $i = 0;
    while (($attrname, $attrvalue) =
 $attrvalue =~ s/"/\\"/g;
 $reply .= "$attrname = \"$attrvalue\",";

    # Strip trailing commas from check and reply
    $check =~ s/,$//;
    $reply =~ s/,$//;

    &insertUser($username, $password, $check, $reply)

sub log
    my ($p, $s) = @_;

    die $s;

sub usage
    print "usage: $0 [-h] -dbsource dbi:drivername:option
    [-dbusername dbusername] [-dbauth auth] [-password | -dbm | -flat]
    [-z] [-u] [-f] [-d username] [-l username] [-t dbmtype]
    [-tablename name] [-v]
    [-username_column columnname]
    [-password_column columnname]
    [-checkattr_column columnname]
    [-replyattr_column columnname] filename ...\n";
    exit 0;

after reading some FAQ and ml archive, I have tried to comment the first
line "use DBI;"... the result was this:

C:\Programmi\Perl\bin>perl buildsql.pl -dbsource
dbi:mysql:radius -dbusername radius -dbauth radius
Can't locate Autodia/Handler.pm in @INC (@INC contains: .
C:/Programmi/Perl/lib C:/Programmi/Perl/site/lib .) at DBI.pm line 15.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at DBI.pm line 15.
Compilation failed in require at buildsql.pl line 19.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at buildsql.pl line 19.

what is wrong?

matteoj at libero.it

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