(RADIATOR) Queries on proxy radius and config file auto refresh on Radiator Radius

Brian CHNG Sing Yong brianc at starhub.com
Fri Jul 18 10:22:40 CDT 2003


I've just deployed Radiator Radius in my workplace but am facing some
problems with having to make changes so often and creating many downtimes on
my servers. Would appreciate if you can help me with the following
questions. Thanks

First Question
I'm doing proxy radius to multiple host and I want to minimize having to
configure the Radius Host each time a new RAS is deployed, by default the
Radiator will forward all Radius Attributes to the Radius host and on the
Radius host I would need to configure the NAS-IP so that it will accept the
authentication/accounting packet from the RAS Client. I'm looking at how to
minimize changes made on the Radius Host as I would need to restart the
Radius Host whenever a change is made. Can I configure the Radiator in such
a way that it will strip off the NAS-IP and replace it with its own IP as
the NAS-IP so that the Radius host will only see one NAS-IP or RAS Client
IP? In this way I'll never need to add RAS Client on the Radius host. Or is
there any other better way to tackle this? Thanks

RAS1 --> Radiator1 --> Radius1
RAS2 --> Radiator1 --> Radius2
RAS3 --> Radiator1 --> Radius3

Second Question
Can I configure the Radiator to re-read the config file or clear the cache
at regular interval so that any changes made on the config file can be
refreshed and take effect without having to restart the processes which also
means downtime needed, I'm trying to figure out how the Radiator can be
configured to minimize downtime. Thanks


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