(RADIATOR) Re: prepaid config :Accounting-Request 'No Reply' error

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Jan 27 19:09:26 CST 2003

Hello Jaafar -

Thanks very much for sending the debug files.

It would appear that there is a problem with your hook, as the problem  
only occurs when the hook is used.

I would be very interested to see the messages as Radiator starts up  
when you have the hook specified to see if there is an error.

You might also put some "print ..." statements in your hook code to see  
what is happening.



On Monday, Jan 27, 2003, at 11:46 Australia/Melbourne, Jaafar Bin Sarim  

> Hello Hugh
> Pls find attached the logs.
> radpwtstn.txt and radiuslogn.txt
>         ^                  ^
> n =1 indicates test with both "AccountingStopsOnly" and "PostAuthHook"
>      removed
> n =2 indicates test with "PostAuthHook" removed
> n =3 indicates test with "AccountingStopsOnly" removed
> I'm using Radiator 3.4
>> uname -a
> Linux paris 2.2.16-4.lfssmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 12 14:00:26 EDT 2000 i686
> Best Regards
> Jaafar Sarim
> SingNet
> On Sun, 26 Jan 2003, Hugh Irvine wrote:
>> Hello Jafar -
>> Thanks for sending the files.
>> Could you please try an experiment for me, by removing the
>> "AccountingStopsOnly" and the "PostAuthHook" and trying your tests
>> again. I would like to see which one is causing the problem. And could
>> you also please send me the Radiator version and the hardware/software
>> platform you are running on?
>> regards
>> Hugh
> <radpwtst1.txt><radiuslog1.txt><radpwtst2.txt><radiuslog2.txt><radpwtst 
> 3.txt><radiuslog3.txt>

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