(RADIATOR) Restartwrapper problems (notification mail)

neil quiogue neil at quiogue.com
Mon Jan 27 03:49:19 CST 2003

This happens when you have a radiusd running already and you tried 
running the restartWrapper so what's going to happen is that the 
restartWrapper would see that the program is always dying (due to the 
already running radiusd) and would restart in 2 seconds.

Check first that you don't have radiusd or any program binding on the 
RADIUS ports then use restartWrapper.

Also, why is you radius in foreground mode?

Regards, Neil

On Monday, January 27, 2003, at 04:38  PM, Ayotunde Itayemi wrote:

> Hi All, hi Hugh,
> I forgot to include the sample mail I got from restartwrapper.
> ==============================================================
> Your program
>    /radiatordb/radiatorhttp/radiusd -config_file 
> /radiatordb/radiatorhttp/radius.cfg -foreground
> exited unexpectedly with exit status 98,
> signal number 0 and dump indication 0.
> The STDERR output was Could not bind authentication socket: Address 
> already in use at /radiatordb/radiatorhttp/radiusd line 413.
> .
> The program will be restarted again by /usr/bin/restartWrapper in 2 
> seconds.
> ==============================================================
> Regards,
> Tunde Itayemi.

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