(RADIATOR) Restartwrapper problems (notification mail)

Ayotunde Itayemi aitayemi at metrong.com
Mon Jan 27 02:38:25 CST 2003

Hi All, hi Hugh,

I forgot to include the sample mail I got from restartwrapper.

Your program

   /radiatordb/radiatorhttp/radiusd -config_file /radiatordb/radiatorhttp/radius.cfg -foreground

exited unexpectedly with exit status 98, 
signal number 0 and dump indication 0. 

The STDERR output was Could not bind authentication socket: Address already in use at /radiatordb/radiatorhttp/radiusd line 413.

The program will be restarted again by /usr/bin/restartWrapper in 2 seconds.

Tunde Itayemi.
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