(RADIATOR) How to increase SNMP counters?

Karel van der Velden k.vandervelden at planettechnologies.nl
Tue Jan 7 06:54:42 CST 2003

In the old days (version 2.18) I'd created the following code to increase specific accounting SNMP counters. With the later versions, this code does not work anymore. Does anybody know how to increase the SNMP counters?
Thx in advance,
if (${$_[0]}->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::ACCT_STATUS_TYPE) eq 'Stop') { \
            $main::statistics{radiusAccServTotalMalformedRequests}++; \
            ${$_[0]}->{Client}->{Statistics}{radiusAccServMalformedRequests}++; \
} \
Karel van der Velden           |   telnr: +31 50 5881003
Peizerweg 156                  |   faxnr: +31 50 5883216
9727 AR Groningen              |   e-mail: k.vandervelden at planettechnologies.nl
The Netherlands
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