(RADIATOR) Radiator Trouble switching from Demo to Full Version

Jack Burkhalter jburkhalter at webxites.com
Wed Feb 26 16:53:20 CST 2003

I installed the new version of Radiator 3.5 with current patches on my
Windows 2000 Pro Machine, I then copied my Demo config file over to the new
version.  Then run from dos with "perl radiusd -config_file radius.cfg".
Once that is running I open another dos window. Then I type "perl
radpwtst -user ***** -password -***** I get the Bad authenticator and No
reply for my Accounting requests.  I have tried several things to get this
working but no dice.  Please help.


  Jack Burkhalter
  713.781.1187 ext.3108
  jburkhalter at webxites.com
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