(RADIATOR) Limiting Port Usage

Dave Walters dave at LunaInternet.net
Tue Feb 25 10:50:27 CST 2003


I'm attempting to limit a group of users using a particular realm to a
specific number of ports. I have a Session Database specified and would
normally use <AuthBy SQL> to authenticate users.

Having looked through the documantation, it would appear that <AuthBy
PORTLIMITCHECK> would be to implement the limits I want, however, I
think I'm missing something along the way (brain fade, I think). How
does the <AuthBy PORTLIMITCHECK> clause actually check the
username/password and check/reply attributes?

For example, if my realm is set as follows:

<SessionDatabase SQL>
        Identifier SDB1
        DBSource dbi:mysql:radius
        DBUsername radius
        DBAuth radius

<Realm open.com.au>
        <AuthBy SQL>
                DBSource dbi:mysql:radius
                DBUsername radius
                DBAuth radius
                AuthSelect select PASSWORD, CHECKATTR, REPLYATTR \
                from SUBSCRIBERS \
                where USERNAME=%0
                AuthColumnDef 0, User-Password, check
                AuthColumnDef 1, GENERIC, check
                AuthColumnDef 2, GENERIC, reply
                AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
                AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
                AcctColumnDef   TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause
                AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
                AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
                AcctColumnDef   FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address

Is it possible to modify this Realm clause to now limit my "open.com.au"
users to a maximum of 20 ports using <AuthBY PORTLIMITCHECK>?

Hoping you can clear up my understanding,

Many thanks,

Dave Walters

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