(RADIATOR) Difference between NT4.0 or Windows 2000 for Radia tor CORRECTION
Hugh Irvine
hugh at open.com.au
Fri Feb 21 15:45:10 CST 2003
Hello Nico -
There is a problem with ActivePerl 5.8, which as you have discovered
lacks a previously included module.
The best way forward is to download the previous version of Perl (5.6)
from ActiveState.
BTW - the latest version of Radiator is 3.5.
I have copied this mail to Mike as well, as he has been looking into
this problem.
On Saturday, Feb 22, 2003, at 03:48 Australia/Melbourne, Groot N. de
> I think I located the problem. It does *not* seem to be NT/W2K
> related. A
> Win32:AuthenticatedUser.pm is/was missing in \perl\site\lib\win32. I
> searched for a Win32 module that contains this function, no luck. I
> did find
> references and an the pm file on some server. Just copying the file to
> the
> win32 dir not help: complaints in the log about 'loadable module'.
> My original working Perl distribution isn't available (hdisk crash)
> I'm using the recent ActivePerl distribution 5.8.0 and Radiator 3.3.1
> Nico de Groot
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Groot N. de [mailto:NdeGroot at ktu.nl]
> Verzonden: vrijdag 21 februari 2003 14:17
> Aan: 'radiator at open.com.au'
> Onderwerp: (RADIATOR) Difference between NT4.0 or Windows 2000 for
> Radiator
> I have been running Radiator succesfully with NT Authenticating on a
> NT4.0
> workstation. But after updating to W2000 the NT authentication results
> in
> 'Bad Authenticator'.
> The radiator installation is exactly the same ( is on networkshare)
> I reinstalled Activestate Perl. test.pl runs ok (except the
> Chap-tests, but
> chap isn't used in Authby NT)
> Are there any differences between running this configuration on NT 4.0
> and
> W2K?
> Thanks for reading this,
> Nico de Groot
> KT University
> Netherlands
> ===
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