(RADIATOR) RewriteUser in AuthBy?

Chris Fedde cfedde at viawest.net
Thu Feb 20 15:11:29 CST 2003

On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 14:17:15 +1100  Hugh Irvine wrote:
 | Hello Chris -
 | If you can recognise the different usernames, you can do this:

The auth request comes in as, for example, User-Name = cfedde.

<Handler Called-Station-Id = /4242$/>
    AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept 
    <AuthBy LDAP2>
    <AuthBy RADIUS>

But for the <AuthBy LDAP2> clause I need

    RewriteUsername s/^/foo#/

and for the <AuthBy RADIUS> I need

    RewriteUsername s/^them#//
    RewriteUsername s/$/@their.domain.com/

I'm not sure if I can make your recomendation do that. Am I just
overlooking something obvious?

    chris fedde
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