(RADIATOR) AuthBy NT & returning IP address

Eli Tovbeyn eli at xpert.com
Wed Feb 19 05:48:16 CST 2003

I also thought about this idea. Another option could be
ConfinueWhileAccept policy that combines authby NT and authby FILE. 
I just though maybe someone has realy nice idea how to avoid managing
users in two places.
Eli Tovbeyn                               eli at xpert.com 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:hugh at open.com.au] 
Sent: Wednesday, 19 February, 2003 08:17
To: Eli Tovbeyn
Cc: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) AuthBy NT & returning IP address

Hello Eli - 

One way of doing this is with cascaded AuthBy clauses, like this: 

# define AuthBy clauses 

<AuthBy FILE> 
Identifier CheckUsers 
Filename %D/users 

<AuthBy NT> 
Identifier CheckNT 

# define Realms or Handlers 

<Realm ....> 
AuthBy CheckUsers 

The "users" file would contain something like this: 

# users file 

someuser Auth-Type = CheckNT 
Framed-IP-Address = n.n.n.n 

anotheruser Auth-Type = CheckNT 
Framed-IP-Address = m.m.m.m 


You will need to maintain your users in two places however. 



On Tuesday, Feb 18, 2003, at 23:57 Australia/Melbourne, Eli Tovbeyn

I'm looking for nice solution for working with AuthBy NT and returning
static IP address to every client. 
I'm working with Radiator 3.5. 
Any ideas are welcome. 

Eli Tovbeyn                               eli at xpert.com 

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
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