(RADIATOR) Using SQL statemens inside a PostAuthHook

Bogdan TARU bgd at icomag.de
Tue Feb 11 04:56:42 CST 2003

	Hi everyone,

 I have noticed the following phrase in the Radiator documentation:

 6.16.14 PostAuthHook:
  -skip- PostAuthHook can be an arbitrarily complicated Perl function,
that might run external processes, consult databases, change the contents
of the current request or many other things. -skip-

 My question is how can I consult a database from inside a PostAuthHook? I
am tring to use the same SQL database as the one configured in <AuthBy
SQL>. So, do I have to connect once again using perl functions, or can I
somehow 're-use' the existing SQL connection to make some queries?

 Could I get some examples of how to do this? I have already checked the
'hooks.txt' file, but no database examples are there.

 Thank you,

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