(RADIATOR) Got stop record, did not delete session.

Tom Swenson tom at netconx.net
Mon Feb 3 22:29:28 CST 2003

I'm fighting a problem where I get a stop record, but the session record (mysql) is not getting deleted. This is happening very intermittently and only from my Qwest users.

Has anyone seen this? I haven't done the trace yet, but there is no errors in my logfile. Also, I'm still using the default DeleteQuery statement. I have seen some in the archives with username included in the sql. 

Also, question about alives. I'm getting lots of them from Qwest. Do I need them? Can I disregard them? Or, are they useful to start accounting records when no start arrives? They sure take up a lot of space.


Tom Swenson - CTO
NetConX - Internet Access - Web Design - Wireless Internet
Client Managed Web Database Applications
tom at netconx.net 					         http://www.netconx.net
(641) 421-4170 - Voice	(641) 423-3351 - FAX

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