Bret Jordan bret.jordan at utah.edu
Sun Aug 31 20:43:07 CDT 2003

I am trying to replace a NIS system for authenticating my Linux boxes 
with Radiator..  However, I have found very little to no 
documentation/examples on how to setup the PAM configs to do this (i.e. 
get usernames, passwords, and groups information from Radius).   One 
thing I would also like to be able to do is what I do on my Foundry gear 
and say if Radius is not available then use the local password file as a 

Has anyone done anything like this, if so, would I be able to ask you a 
few questions and get some config examples?


Bret Jordan                       Dean's Office
Computer Administrator   College of Engineering
801.585.3765                 University of Utah
            jordan at coe.utah.edu

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