(RADIATOR) Stored Procedure (I m stuck)!!!

Pavel A Crasotin pavel at ctk.ru
Mon Aug 25 23:57:41 CDT 2003

Hello Hakim -

There is no need to use cursors (it is possible but I dont think about
it :)). 

Just create sp_auth2 as

procedure sp_Auth2(sUsername in varchar2,sPassword out varchar2)
   select password
      into sPassword
      from authenticationtable_000 where
    when others then
end sp_Auth2;

There is plsql.cfg it the goodies/ dir in Radiator distribution.
Try to read it. Hope it helps.

h> hello!!!
h> What I am doing wrong here??? Any help would be appreciated!!!

h> Trace 4
h> AuthPort 1812
h> AcctPort 1813
h> LogDir c:\Radiator3.6\dump
h> DictionaryFile ./dictionary
h> UsernameCharset a-zA-Z0-9\._ at -
h> LogFile %L/%Y-%m-2logfile.log

h> DefineFormattedGlobalVar dbSourceODBC tas_sys
h> DefineFormattedGlobalVar dbSourceOracle tas
h> DefineFormattedGlobalVar dbUsername xxx
h> DefineFormattedGlobalVar dbAuth xxx

h> <Client localhost>
h> Secret mysecret
h> DupInterval 300
h> </Client>

h> <SessionDatabase SQL>
h> DBSource dbi:Oracle:tas3
h> DBUsername xxx
h> DBAuth xxx
h> AddQuery        insert into RADONLINE (username,code) values ('%n','000')
h> </SessionDatabase>

h> <Handler>
h> <AuthBy PLSQL>
h>         NoDefault
h>         DBSource dbi:Oracle:tas
h>         DBUsername %{GlobalVar:dbUsername}
h>         DBAuth %{GlobalVar:dbAuth}
h>         AuthBlock  begin \
h>                tasradius.sp_Auth2('%n',:sReturnValue); \
h>                end;
h>         AuthParamDef :sReturnValue,User-Password,Check
h> </AuthBy>
h> </Handler>


h> -----STORED PROCEDURE ---------
h> CREATE OR REPLACE package tasradius
h> is
h> type Cursors is ref cursor return radreturn%rowtype;
h> procedure sp_Auth2(sUsername in varchar2,sReturn out tasradius.Cursors);
h> end tasradius;

h> procedure sp_Auth2(sUsername in varchar2,sReturn out tasradius.Cursors)
h> is
h> begin
h> open sReturn for select password from authenticationtable_000 where username='test';
h> exception
h>     when others then
h>                  null;
h> end sp_Auth2;
h> end tasradius;
h> ----- END OF STORED PROCEDURE ---------

h> Regards
h> Hakim
h> ===
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With respect,
Pavel A Crasotin
OJSC SeverTransCom
Tel/Fax: +7 (0852) 58-01-00, 72-17-28

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