(RADIATOR) Blank User-Name on Auth Fail with Ascend TNT

Kevin McKee kevin at nw-tel.com
Mon Aug 25 16:23:53 CDT 2003

Does anyone know if it is possible to get a User-Name on the 'Failed
Authentication' Acct packets from the MAX TNT?  I keep getting 'stop'
packets from the TNT with no User-Name, and I would like to have that
information kept in my logs.


-------------------------        _   _
Kevin McKee, Network Mgr   _ __ | |_(_)
Northwest Telephone, Inc. | '_ \| __| |
Tel: +1 509 661 2000 x112 | | | | |_| |
Fax: +1 509 661 2020      |_| |_|\__|_|

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