(RADIATOR) AuthLog problems with ODBC

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Apr 30 02:30:27 CDT 2003

Hello Tim -

Have you also installed DBI?

And have you checked the username and password and/or the username that  
you are running Radiator as?

If you still have problems, please send me a copy of the cofiguration  
file (no secrets) together with a more complete trace 4 debug showing  
what is happening?



On Wednesday, Apr 30, 2003, at 17:04 Australia/Melbourne, Tim  
Ballingall wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm having problems getting Authlog to connect to an MS SQL server via  
> I'm running Radiator 3.6 on a Windows 2000 Server with SP3. The  
> database is actually the MSDE Runtime ( Which is SQL Server 7.00.623  
> ). The machine has ActivePerl 5.6.1 Build 631.
> <AuthLog SQL>
>          Identifier             Radmin_authlog
>          DBSource       dbi:ODBC:radius
>          DBUsername     USERNAME
>          DBAuth                 PASSWORD
> </AuthLog SQL>
> I've got the DSN configured in odbc manager such that the system dsn  
> "radius" points to the database on the same machine. Note that the  
> tables are created in their own database radius ( configured in odbc )  
> and not in the default database master.
> However, I don't seem to be able to connect to it at all.  
> Authentication is working fine, but I want to log successful & failed  
> requests. My log is as follows :
> Wed Apr 30 16:51:42 2003: DEBUG: Access accepted for TIM
> Wed Apr 30 16:51:42 2003: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with  
> DBI->connect dbi:ODBC:radius, USERNAME, PASSWORD:
> Wed Apr 30 16:51:42 2003: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.  
> Request is ignored. Backing off for 600 seconds
> I've struggled with this for a few days now but no matter what I try I  
> can't seem to get it to connect. I've installed the DBD-ODBC package  
> in ppm.
> Thanks in advance, any advice most welcome.
> Tim
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NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, MacOS X.
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