(RADIATOR) Log accounting to a detail file

Freerk Bosscha freerk at bosscha.nu
Fri Apr 4 09:12:29 CST 2003

I have the following radius.conf file running on RedHat Linux 8.0 icw

I thought using the AcctLogFileName option, log information would be write
to the detail file.

Nothing happens although all the rights are open in the named directory.
(The LogFile works fine).


What's wrong in the configuration.


Thanks for any reply,


Freerk Bosscha


# Radiator configuration file.

# Produced by /cgi-bin/radconfig.cgi Tue Mar 25 20:40:08 2003


AuthPort 1645

DbDir /etc/radiator

LogDir /var/log/radius

LogFile /var/log/radius/radius.log.%m%d

Trace 5



  <AuthBy LDAP2>

    AuthDN cn=manager,o=Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden,c=nl

    AuthPassword XXXXXX

    BaseDN o=Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden,c=nl

    Debug 0

    EncryptedPasswordAttr userPassword

    Host ldap.nhl.nl

    Identifier CheckLDAP


    PasswordAttr userPassword

    Port 380

    UsernameAttr uid


  # Log accounting to a detail file

  AcctLogFileName %L/detail



<Client DEFAULT>

  DupInterval 0

  Secret Xxxxxt




  DupInterval 0

  NasType Cisco

  Secret XXXXX



<Monitor >

  Password XXXX

  Username Monitor


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