(RADIATOR) Version 3.3 install

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Sep 9 17:37:39 CDT 2002

Hello Mariano -

The reason I use absolute path names is to remove any ambiguity.

I suggest you try what you show below to see what you get.



On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 06:20 AM, Mariano Absatz wrote:

> El 6 Sep 2002 a las 9:29, Hugh Irvine escribió:
>> Hello Mariano, Hello Charly -
>> Yes, my method allows you to use specific, different versions of Perl 
>> as
>> well.
>> All I do is this:
>> 	cd /the/radiator/distribution
>> 	/usr/local/src/Perl/Perl-..../bin/perl Makefile.PL; make; make test
> Thanx, Huhg...
> would
> 	cd /the/radiator/distribution
> 	../bin/perl Makefile.PL; make; make test
> make the perl installation used relative path dependant? or it would 
> resolve
> the absolute path in the making?
> i.e:
> would I get "#!../bin/perl" at the top of my radiusd?
>> 	......
>> then when I run Radiator I use the fully qualified path for both the
>> perl instance I want and for the Radiator instance I want.
>> 	cd /the/radiator/distribution;
>> /usr/local/src/Perl/Perl-..../bin/perl radiusd -config_file .....
>> Of course I usually use constants in shell scripts to make it easier
>> (and sometimes symbolic links).
>> cheers
>> Hugh
>> On Friday, September 6, 2002, at 07:26 AM, Mariano Absatz wrote:
>>> FTR,
>>> I also think it's "A Good Thing"(TM) to be able to have a special perl
>>> instalation for some critical perl programs or for programs with quite
>>> specific requirements...
>>> El 5 Sep 2002 a las 11:34, Karl Gaissmaier escribió:
>>>> Hi Hugh and Mike,
>>>>> Hello Charly -
>>>>> What I usually do is skip the "make install" step altogether, and 
>>>>> just
>>>>> leave the various versions in seperate directories.
>>>> sounds reasonable for your environment but without a "make install"
>>>> for example the path to the perl interpreter doesn't gets adjusted
>>>> to the local requirements. Not all perl interpreters stay in
>>>> /usr/bin/perl
>>>> and there exists good reasons (at least for me) to use a totally
>>>> own perl interpreter installation to get the different needed 
>>>> packages
>>>> handled. Sure, I have also a perl interpreter under /usr/bin/perl but
>>>> this is the interpreter with the standard set of installed modules
>>>> for all workstations here.
>>>> Anyway, I don't think this could be solved generally, but it should
>>>> be discussed in the FAQ or in the reference guide.
>>>> Thanks for discussing and this wonderful support.
>>>> 	Charly
> --
> Mariano Absatz
> El Baby
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> I like cats too. Let's exchange recipes.
> ===
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Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 08:35:12 +1000
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) blocktime question
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To: Andreas Stollar <andreas at speakeasy.net>
From: Hugh Irvine <hugh at open.com.au>
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Hello Andreas -

You could try this (I haven't tested it):

<AuthBy GROUP>
	Identifier Auth-Oracle-Internal
	AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileIgnore
	AuthBy Auth-Oracle
		DefaultResult ACCEPT

         PasswordLogFileName /var/log/radius/news/auth.log
         AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
         AuthBy Auth-LDAP
         AuthBy Auth-Oracle-Internal
         PostAuthHook file:"%D/SetReply"

Otherwise I think you will have to call the AuthBy SQL clause from 
inside your hook, and deal with database unreachable there.



On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 07:52 AM, Andreas Stollar wrote:

> Hello,
> I've got blocktime working ok, using LDAP for auth, then and extra SQL
> hook which will talk to an Oracle DB. This works fine. I wanted to make 
> it
> so that a user would authenticate if the db is down, or unreachable.
> Currently, it will reject everyone if it cannot connect to the db. Is 
> this
> a simple config option? Here's part of my radius.cfg.
> <AuthBy SQL>
>         Identifier Auth-Oracle
>         DBSource        dbi:Oracle:host=;port=1521;sid=prod
>         DBUsername      RADIUS_USER
>         DBAuth          XXXXXXX
>         AuthSelect                                              \
>         SELECT u.userid                                         \
>         FROM                                                    \
>          moses.svc_dialup sn,                                   \
>          moses.service_instances si,                            \
>          moses.userids u                                        \
>         WHERE u.userid = '%n'                                   \
>          AND si.status = 1                                      \
>          AND sn.service_instance_id = si.service_instance_id    \
>          AND sn.userid_id = u.userid_id                         \
>          AND sn.time_left > 0
>         AuthColumnDef 0, Session-Timeout, reply
>         AcctSQLStatement                                        \
>         UPDATE moses.svc_dialup                                 \
>         SET time_left = (time_left - 0%{Acct-Session-Time})     \
>         WHERE svc_dialup_id IN (                                \
>         SELECT sn.svc_dialup_id                                 \
>         FROM                                                    \
>          moses.svc_dialup sn,                                   \
>          moses.service_instances si,                            \
>          moses.userids u                                        \
>         WHERE u.userid = '%n'                                   \
>          AND si.status = 1                           radiator-announce at open.com.au
> To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo at open.com.au' with
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Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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>          AND sn.service_instance_id = si.service_instance_id    \
>          AND sn.userid_id = u.userid_id                         \
>         )
> </AuthBy>
> <Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
>         AcctLogFileName /var/log/radius/news/acct.log
>         AuthBy Auth-Oracle
> </Handler>
> <Realm DEFAULT>
>         PasswordLogFileName /var/log/radius/news/auth.log
>         AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
>         AuthBy Auth-LDAP
>         AuthBy Auth-Oracle
>         PostAuthHook file:"%D/SetReply"
> </Realm>
> thanks for any hints.
> Andreas
> ===
> Archive at http://www.open.com.au/archives/radiator/
> Announcements on radiator-announce at open.com.au
> To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo at open.com.au' with
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Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.

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Hello Andreas -

You could try this (I haven't tested it):

<<AuthBy GROUP>

	Identifier Auth-Oracle-Internal

	AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileIgnore

	AuthBy Auth-Oracle


		DefaultResult ACCEPT



<<Realm DEFAULT>

        PasswordLogFileName /var/log/radius/news/auth.log

        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

        AuthBy Auth-LDAP

        AuthBy Auth-Oracle-Internal



Otherwise I think you will have to call the AuthBy SQL clause from
inside your hook, and deal with database unreachable there.



On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 07:52 AM, Andreas Stollar wrote:


I've got blocktime working ok, using LDAP for auth, then and extra SQL 

hook which will talk to an Oracle DB. This works fine. I wanted to
make it 

so that a user would authenticate if the db is down, or unreachable. 

Currently, it will reject everyone if it cannot connect to the db. Is

a simple config option? Here's part of my radius.cfg.

<<AuthBy SQL>

        Identifier Auth-Oracle

        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:host=;port=1521;sid=prod

        DBUsername      RADIUS_USER

        DBAuth          XXXXXXX

        AuthSelect                                              \

        SELECT u.userid                                         \

        FROM                                                    \

         moses.svc_dialup sn,                                   \

         moses.service_instances si,                            \

         moses.userids u                                        \

        WHERE u.userid = '%n'                                   \

         AND si.status = 1                                      \

         AND sn.service_instance_id = si.service_instance_id    \

         AND sn.userid_id = u.userid_id                         \

         AND sn.time_left > 0

        AuthColumnDef 0, Session-Timeout, reply

        AcctSQLStatement                                        \

        UPDATE moses.svc_dialup                                 \

        SET time_left = (time_left - 0%{Acct-Session-Time})     \

        WHERE svc_dialup_id IN (                                \

        SELECT sn.svc_dialup_id                                 \

        FROM                                                    \

         moses.svc_dialup sn,                                   \

         moses.service_instances si,                            \

         moses.userids u                                        \

        WHERE u.userid = '%n'                                   \

         AND si.status = 1                                      \

         AND sn.service_instance_id = si.service_instance_id    \

         AND sn.userid_id = u.userid_id                         \



<<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>

        AcctLogFileName /var/log/radius/news/acct.log

        AuthBy Auth-Oracle


<<Realm DEFAULT>

        PasswordLogFileName /var/log/radius/news/auth.log

        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

        AuthBy Auth-LDAP

        AuthBy Auth-Oracle

        PostAuthHook file:"%D/SetReply"


thanks for any hints.



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