(RADIATOR) Version 3.3 install

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Sep 2 05:57:03 CDT 2002

Hi Charly -

I will let Mike reply to your suggestion.



On Monday, September 2, 2002, at 05:57 PM, Karl Gaissmaier wrote:

> Hi Hugh,
> Hugh Irvine schrieb:
>> Hello Charly -
>> What I usually do is skip the "make install" step altogether, and just
>> leave the various versions in seperate directories.
> and I do it in the meanwhile with the following startup script:
> (tweaking the -I flag on perl startup and dealing with PREFIX=...
> and a symbolic link "current" pointing to actual version)
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #
>> # kg 08/02
>> #
>> PERL=/radiator/perl/bin/perl
>> RADIUS_LIB=/radiator/current/lib/site_perl
>> RADIUSD=/radiator/current/bin/radiusd
>> CONFIG=/radiator/etc/radiator-config
>> PIDFILE=/radiator/etc/pidfile
>> #
>> case "$1" in
>>     'start')
>>         if [ -f $RADIUSD -a -f $CONFIG ]; then
>>             echo "radius (radiator) service starting."
>>             $PERL -I$RADIUS_LIB $RADIUSD -config_file $CONFIG
>>         else
>>             echo "$RADIUSD or $CONFIG missing. STOPPED!"
>>         fi
>>     ;;
>>     'stop')
>>         if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
>>             echo "Stopping the radius (radiator) service."
>>             kill -15 `cat $PIDFILE`
>>         fi
>>     ;;
>>     'restart')
>>         if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
>>             echo "Restarting the radius (radiator) service."
>>             kill -1 `cat $PIDFILE`
>>         fi
>>     ;;
>>     *)
>>         echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/radiator { start | stop | restart }"
>>     ;;
>> esac
>> exit 0
> I have also a discrete perl installation only for radius, because
> I need some modules/versions specific for radius and I will not
> pay attention when I upgrade the main perl installation for our
> workstations.
> Anyway, Hugh and Mike, there are more than one way to solve this
> problem with concurrent versions, but I think at least one
> solution should be described in the manual or at least in FAQ.
> Best regards
> 	Charly
> --
> Karl Gaissmaier          Computing Center,University of Ulm,Germany
> Email:karl.gaissmaier at rz.uni-ulm.de          Network Administration
> Tel.: ++49 731 50-22499

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