(RADIATOR) Retries

James M. Luedke james at enabledsites.com
Wed Oct 23 18:37:49 CDT 2002


    I am wondering if there is a way to configure radiator so that
it will not retry packets that do not get a response when proxying
radius to another server? I have attempted to set retries to 0 in my
radsqlradius table. However doing so seems to cause radiator to re-send
the packet 3 times. When I set it to 1 each packet I receive is sent
twice. This is causing an amazing amount of traffic to be generated
on my customers.

This is the setup that I currently have

---------   --------------  x2     -------------  x2     ------------
| QWEST |-->| radiator 1 |-proxy-->|radiator 2 |-proxy-->| customer |
---------   --------------         -------------         ------------

so as you can see if I do not get a response from my customer Not only
does qwest re-send the packet to me, but every time they do rad1 sends
rad2 2 packets. and then rad2 sends our customers 4 packets for every
1 packet sent by qwest. I would like to let qwest worry about re-sending
the packet for me if possible.

Thanks for your help


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