O/T whitelisting (was [QRgriff3]: (RADIATOR) (Fwd) Last Call: Diameter Base Protocol to Proposed Standard)

Mariano Absatz radiator at lists.com.ar
Wed Oct 23 10:14:43 CDT 2002


is everyone else posting to the list getting this kind of replies from a 
suscriptor who didn't configure the list in his/her anti-spam white list?

Someone should tell whoever QRgriff3 is to do this or else get him/her off 
the list...

El 23 Oct 2002 a las 8:03, quikcop at quik.com escribió:

> QUIKCOP has arrested your e-mail message to a Quik customer, with
> subject "(RADIATOR) (Fwd) Last Call: Diameter Base Protocol to Proposed Standard"
> Due to privacy and SPAM issues, you need to authorize yourself to continue to send e-mail to this person.  You can easily do this by visiting the following web-page within the next 48 hours:
>    http://mailbox2.quik.com/cgi-bin/spamweb.pl?user=griff3&addr=radiator@open.com.au
> Enter your e-mail address on this web-page. The e-mail you sent will then be delivered.
> You specified the following "TO" and "CC" address(es) in your e-mail:
>   radiator at open.com.au

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
Nostalgia: The good old days multiplied by a bad memory...

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