(RADIATOR) Expiration more accurate

Toomas Kärner tomkar at estpak.ee
Fri Oct 11 02:55:17 CDT 2002

Hi all,

As I saw from history many has asked for help on this subject, but after all
none of these solutions provided aint suitable for me.
Idea is: user logs in with account given on prepaid card to get access for
24h. With first start record start time is stored and end time is calculated
and stored and session-timeout of 86400 sec is given to the NAS in case of
users stay's online for entire period in a row. Next time user logs on,
start and end time are not updated and session-timeout is given end - now()
and this aslo works. Now when the user is online and account expires it also
gets kicked out. So far so good. Now, when the account has expired it has to
get Access-Reject - this can be done by just AuthSelect, what includes " ...
and end > now()", but then I'll get "No such user" from reply and that's not
good because I want to use RejectHasReason and tha actual cause is
expiration. To use AuthColunmDef x Expiration is aslo not good because if
user logs on 5 min before midnight then it will get access only for 5 min
for the price of 24x60min, but the message "Expiration has passed" would be
So the challange is to make Expiration field as accurate as a 1 second.

Toomas Kärner

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