(RADIATOR) DefaultSimultaneousUse 1 problem

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Oct 1 01:35:03 CDT 2002

Hello Rob -

The problem is not with Realms or Handlers, but rather with the AuthBy  
RADIUS clause which does not use DefaultSimultaneousUse (the actual  
code is in Radius/AuthGeneric.pm).

Perhaps you could give me a bit more detail on what you want to do?



On Tuesday, October 1, 2002, at 12:45 PM, Rob Hill wrote:

> Hi -
> I've been setting up <SessionsDatabase SQL> and encountered a weird
> caveat while doing so - it doesn't seem to be possible to apply
> DefaultSimultaneousUse from within an AuthBy which has been called by a
> Handler.
> The code in AuthGeneric.pm goes as follows (we're using Radiator
> 2.18.4):
>     # Check the DefaultSimultaneousUse if we did not get a per-user
>     # one. Warning, dont do it if we were called by a Handler
>     if (!$did_sim_use
>         && $self
>         && defined $self->{DefaultSimultaneousUse}
>         &&  
> Radius::SessGeneric::find($p->{Handler}->{SessionDatabase})- 
> >exceeded($self->{DefaultSimultaneousUse}, $username, $p))
>     {
>         return ($main::REJECT,
>                 "DefaultSimultaneousUse of  
> $self->{DefaultSimultaneousUse}  exceeded");
>     }
> My question is why? We use handles almost exclusively, to differenciate
> between multiple number ranges and all kinds of funky stuff. We don't
> use any Realms (it would work if called from a realm)
> <AuthBy RADIUS>
>         Identifier      SPD1
>         Secret          xxxxxxxx
>         ### Use sim-use of 1 unless there is a user-specific entry
>         ### doesn't work if called by a handler - have to use
>         ### MaxSessions instead (in the handler)
>         DefaultSimultaneousUse 1
> 	Host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> </AuthBy>
> So when I call <AuthBy SPD1> from within a handler, the SessionDatabase
> countQuery is never executed (although the add and delete are).
> It does work if I set MaxSessions, but we don't want to have to use
> MaxSessions, as it can't be overridden by specific Simultaneous-Use
> attributes.
> Regards,
> Rob
> ===
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