(RADIATOR) have I missed something in the documentation?
Hugh Irvine
hugh at open.com.au
Mon Mar 11 17:34:32 CST 2002
Hello Slava -
The simplest way to do what you require is to use a NoReplyHook in the AuthBy
RADIUS clauses. There is an example NoReplyHook in the examples in the file
"goodies/hooks.txt" in the Radiator distribution.
On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 00:57, Rimdenok, Sviatoslav wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have an impression that I've missed something in the Radiator's
> documentation.. Let me explain :
> we have the following configuration of Radiator (the extraction from
> the config file):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> <AuthBy RADIUS>
> Identifier blabla
> Host A.A.A.A
> Host B.B.B.B
> Secret test
> AuthPort 1645
> AcctPort 1646
> Retries 1
> RetryTimeout 3
> </AuthBy>
> <Handler Called-Station-Id=1205>
> AuthBy blabla
> </Handler>
> ----------------------------------
> That means all authentication/accounting requests with
> Called-Station-Id=1205 are proxied to RADIUS servers A.A.A.A or B.B.B.B.
> Let's imagine that both RADIUS hosts are down (A.A.A.A and B.B.B.B).
> What I've found is after 1 retries for each RADIUS servers, the Radiator
> software stops proceeding the requests, - it's just ignoring it. For me
> that means there is no any reply back to the NASes.
> Here comes my question : how can I change this behaviour? I'd like to
> have "access reject" replies if there is no answers from the remote RADIUS
> servers..
> I've found that I can do it by using <AuthBy GROUP> directives, - just
> add <AuthBy RADIUS> and <AuthBy INTERNAL> blocks inside one <AuthBy GROUP>
> container. Then if there is no reply from any RADIUS servers listed in
> <AuthBy RADIUS> blocks, the request is processed by <AuthBy INTERNAL>
> directive (which returns "REJECT" in any case).
> It's working but the config file becomes very complex, since I've many
> <AuthBy RADIUS> blocks (one for each company). Is there any other way to
> change that behaviour inside <AuthBy RADIUS> directive?
> Thank you so much for your help!
> sincerely yours,
> Slava Rimdenok
> Sviatoslav Rimdenok
> System Administrator
> COLT Telecom AG
> Badenerstrasse 820
> CH-8048 Zürich
> t: +41 1 5 600 900
> f: +41 1 5 600 910
> e: mailto:sviatoslav.rimdenok at colt.ch
> www.colt.ch
> we make business straight.forward
> ===
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